Thursday 26 March 2020

The GRA nonsense.

Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill: A consultation

In a statement to the Scottish Parliament in June, the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People, announced that the Scottish Government would consult on a draft Bill to reform the process by which trans people gain legal recognition of their lived gender through a Gender Recognition Certificate – a right they have had for 15 years. 
To comply with international human rights law, Scotland must have a system for obtaining legal gender recognition.  The current system is viewed by many applicants, or would-be applicants, as demeaning, lengthy, and stressful.

So there we have it; fine intentions. Who can argue against such a thing? It may of course be valid to take a step back and ask why any man or woman would want to say that they are anything other than the sex that they were born into.
What possible reason would a man decide that he 'ought' to be said to be a woman? Mental illness? Certainly, that's one possibility? Some sexist fetish to wear female clothes? Yep, tick box again. Is there any other good reason? I've yet to hear of one.
And then to take a step further and declare that a trans-woman (i.e. a bloke) is a woman, is so nutty that one would wonder if these are indeed the end of days. But not nutty. Actually hideously offensive. Every person on this planet was born to a woman. If a trans-gender activist could look back at their own birth - their mother carrying them for nine months, the labours of birth and then declare that trans-women are women, I do think their mother would drown them on the spot.

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